Stunning Visual Experiences
Openthedoor Studios specializes in bringing stories to life through breathtaking LED display content. Our innovative approach transforms ordinary scenes into extraordinary visual experiences, captivating audiences with vibrant and dynamic displays.
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90 minutos / Suspense e Drama /
Drawing Life
We are honored that "Drawing Life" has earned 14 prestigious awards for its touching portrayal of a disheartened caricaturist who finds new purpose through his art. Meeting a mother and her son in a wheelchair, he forms a unique bond, helping the boy improve while rediscovering his own passion. This story by Openthedoor Studios showcases the transformative power of art and human connection.
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Pre-Tests for Advertisements
At Openthedoor Studios, we offer comprehensive pre-testing services to ensure your advertisements hit the mark. Our pre-tests include storyboards, boardmatics, and animatics across different animation styles to suit your needs.
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Bringing Your Vision to Life

At Openthedoor Studios, we offer a vast range of services, including creating captivating LED panel content, immersive projects, 2D and 3D animations, pre-tests, audiovisual production, and ESG initiatives. Our dynamic storytelling and innovative solutions transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones, engaging audiences like never before.

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inspire, Engage, Convert

At Openthedoor Studios, we seamlessly integrate our services to meet the unique needs of each project. Whether through our Inspire stage with pre-tests like animatics, storyboards, boardmatics, and ESG projects, our Engage stage with dynamic audiovisual content designed to forge deep connections with audiences, or our Convert stage where we use cutting-edge technology like LED panels and sensor technology to create immersive and impactful consumer experiences.

Our holistic approach is powered by our creative community of partners, from technology and video production experts to professional audiovisual content creators. Together, we ensure every project delivers the best results, tailored to meet the objectives and build lasting loyalty.



We elevate brands with creative ESG projects and impactful campaigns, forging deep emotional connections with audiences.



We captivate audiences with dynamic content and unique experiences, ensuring continuous interest and engagement.



We transform engagement into tangible results through refined branding strategies, building lasting loyalty and connection.

Our team members are based in locations all over the world to bring the best creative solutions for you. We work within your timezone, speak your language and share your ideas. We transform thoughts and scripts in visual concepts and insane animations. Take a look at our portfolio to see clients who have already put trust in our solutions. Let’s turn your ideas into reality together.

Who We Are

our team


Marli Quadros


Luciano Lagares

CEO and Co-Founder

Fabiano Vila

Business LATAM

Laura Morales

Project Manager International



Our Gallery

Recognizing Excellence in Creativity and Innovation

Our Awards

Our Awards

Openthedoor Studios Presents:

Bring Your Ideas to Life

Boost Your Brand’s Impact

Join with Openthedoor Studios for compelling visual content that captivates your audience. Discover our innovative solutions to enhance your brand’s reach and engagement.

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